The implementation of Company Code of Ethics in Pupuk Kaltim is stated in the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Pupuk Kaltim Number: 79 / DIR / XII.2016 dated December 30, 2016.
Determination and enforcement of documents as contained in the Attachment to this Decree of the Board of Directors, hereinafter referred as PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Code of Conduct, or Corporate Code of Conduct in short, is the main reference for the application of Code of Conduct in PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur.
The objectives for the development of Corporate Code of Conduct are:
- To develop good behavior in accordance with high ethical standards for the corporation, commissioners, directors and employees; and
- To develop good relationships with external parties based on the principles of good corporate governance and the spirit of the company’s Code of Conduct
- Employees enjoy an honest, ethical and open working environment thereby enhancing the productivity and overall wellbeing of employees.
- The company will own a good reputation, protection of lawsuits, if any, being prosper, gain success and have a sustainable business.
- The public will generally enjoy a good relationship with the Company and is expected to improve the social and economic welfare of the community.
Company Code of Conduct
- Integrity
- Compliance with laws and legislation
- Conflict of interest handling
- Involvement in political activities
- Product warranties
- Financial Reporting
- Advertising Promotions
- Company's Commitment to Shareholders
- The commitment of the Pupuk Kaltim to employees
- Commitment to corporate ethics for employees
- Commitment to business partners
- Commitment to the environment, occupational health, and safety
- Commitment to business competition
- Commitment to relationships with customers and suppliers
- Commitment to relationships with creditors
- Commitment to corporate relations with the Government
- Commitment to corporate relations with the community
- Commitment to corporate ethics with mass Media
- Commitment to corporate ethics with professional organizations
- Individual Rights
- Social societal roles
- Communication
- Intellectual property Rights (HAKI)
Corporate Code Of Conduct For Individual Guidelines

Integrity Pact
- Use all the potential you have to accelerate the realization of Good Corporate Governance, in accordance with the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness;
- Uphold the basic principles of corporate integrity, namely prioritizing company interests above personal interests, avoiding conflicts of interest, understanding and complying with the company's internal provisions and applicable laws and not tolerating the practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism;
- Able to carry out the duties, mandate as an employee and the performance targets that have been set;
- Will not take advantage of a position in this company, either directly or indirectly for personal interests, family and relatives, or certain groups;
- If you do not comply with the integrity pact, you must accept the consequences in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations;
- Willing to provide authority to parties appointed by the Company in the context of the investigation process regarding indications of suspected fraud that are detrimental to the Company;
- Accept the consequences if proven to have violated the Company's internal provisions and all applicable laws and regulations;
- Willing to report to the appointed authorities if they encounter any problems and/or potential/indications/suspected violations of the Company's internal regulations and all applicable statutory provisions.
Implementation of the Supplier Code of Conduct
As a condition of doing business with Pupuk Kaltim; vendors, suppliers, consultant contractors, and other providers of goods and services must comply with applicable laws and regulations and act in accordance with Pupuk Kaltim Code of Ethics Guidelines as the basis for Pupuk Kaltim's business operation. This Supplier Code of Ethics explains the principles and basic requirements that must be met by Suppliers or Vendors in conducting business relationships with Pupuk Kaltim.
The Supplier Code of Ethics applies to all Pupuk Kaltim's goods/service providers and their employees. Pupuk Kaltim expects goods/service providers to apply the principles set out in this Guideline. Goods/service providers are responsible for verifying compliance of their supply chain principles in accordance with the Supplier Code of Ethics. Through this Supplier Code of Ethics, Pupuk Kaltim informs the minimum requirements that suppliers are expected to follow when conducting business in an ethical manner, and are legally, economically, socially and environmentally responsible.